September 22, 2023

8 Things I'm Learning This Spring 2023

 1. I think the theme of the last few months is connection. Connection is the antidote to shame. Connection is what I crave, what we all crave and need. I didn't realize how much I've been missing and needing connection. I need it, we need it. We need each other.

2. I cannot pour from an empty cup.

3. I want a space to pour out my own hurt and pain and the questions I have, the things I'm trying to figure out, and the questions I don't have answers to.

4. I crave wisdom. Guidance. Someone older than me who has walked the road before me. I want to lean on the lived wisdom of someone older and wiser than me, or at least someone who is in a different stage of life than me.

5. I want to pursue creative things. To put something out there in the world for no other reason than because I wanted to create that thing.

6. I am human. I don't have all of the answers or solutions. Sometimes there is no fix for pain. No fix for brokenness. No fix for anxiety. No fix for the brokenness in this world. And one person cannot be expected to fix everything. 

Context on the photo below: I ran my first ever 10k this past spring! I was sore for 4 days afterwards, but it was worth it. I actually did it! 

7. I think we tend to think the future is going to look like our present, when, in fact, the future is going to be different than our present reality. In six months, I will be different than the me I am today. I am also not the same me I was six months ago. We project our present onto our future, but that’s usually not accurate. Maybe I need to remember that I am changing. I will not stay the same, even if my circumstances and surroundings do. I will change. I have changed. 

8. No relationship can ever make you feel complete. Your relationship is not supposed to complete you. We have a hole in our hearts that no one and nothing can completely fill. A relationship with God and a relationship with myself is the missing piece. 

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