November 11, 2021

Favorite Instagrams of 2020

It's time for my favorite Instagrams post of 2020! This is an annual tradition that I started back in 2015. Albeit, I must admit, this is a VERY belated post. It's November now. 2021 is almost over. But I guess that's what keeping promises to yourself means. It takes discipline to keep on keeping on. 

Every year, I pick nine of my favorite photos I've posted on Instagram in that year, choosing them based on a gut feeling and ideally without thinking too hard. It's a nice way to look back on the year and do a little reflecting, but of course, IG isn't an accurate reflection of everything that took place. It's mainly full of carefully curated feeds. It's still one way to look back, though. 

2020 was a lot to handle. Somehow, we picked ourselves up and found a way forward. But we've all come out of it changed. For me, as an artist, I've come out of 2020 with a renewed desire to appreciate and capture the beauty in the world. I choose to share the way I see the world with others, even when I have to fight against my own inner critic and all the dumb social media algorithms. I still choose to share and to be here. I can't help but to capture and share what I see.

Seeing all the images I picked side by side, visually, reminds me that there is still something good out there in this crazy world we live in. It's worth it to keep on creating, to keep on doing something creative, no matter in what form. 

Here are links to previous years' favorites:

2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019

I think it's interesting to note that quite a few of these photos having something to do with Europe, impressionism, Italy, and nature. Lots of nature. These things still seem to inspire me most. It's no wonder going outside helps me connect with my thoughts and my intuition. 

Be well, friends, and thanks for reading!

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