January 20, 2020

Favorite Instagrams of 2019

It's time for my favorite Instagrams post of 2019! This is an annual tradition that I started in 2015. I round up nine of my favorite photos I've posted in the last year, choosing them based on a gut feeling, without trying to think too hard about my choices. It's a nice way to look back on the year and do a little reflecting, while remembering that IG isn't an accurate reflection of everything that took place, but it's one way of looking back. 

If you want to look back, here are previous Favorite Instagrams" posts:

2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 

This year's favorite Instagrams are a mix of old and new. Some posted in the moment, and some latergrams. Three were taken in Chicago, and the rest, all over the globe. Six were taken with iPhone and three with my dSLR. The images I chose are all significant memories, either because of where they were taken, or the circumstances of how or why the photo was taken. 

I can't wait to see what 2020 will hold!

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