June 13, 2019

San Francisco Trip Highlights

I finally got a chance to go check out San Francisco for the first time over the summer last year. What an amazing city with amazing food! One highlight for me was going to Philz Coffee and getting their iconic and most delicious drink - the Mint Mojito. Philz is definitely one of my all time favorite coffee spots in California. The food in SF is well worth a trip out to the Bay. I think our itinerary was planned around where our next meal would be. 

It was surprising how cold some days were, especially when we were by the coast, even in the summer. People had on scarves and jackets even in the middle of the summer. I guess since I'm more accustomed to the weather in Southern CA, this stood out to me. But nonetheless, it was a fun and exciting trip in a city that I hadn't explored yet. It's trips like these that remind me of how nice it is to live in a place with blue skies almost every day of the year and a gorgeous golden hour almost every evening. The light really changes how you see things and what you focus on. I was inspired by the familiar sight of plants commonly found in the desert and many west coast states, and the reliable natural light that accompanied it. The sights felt like home to me even though I had never seen them before.  

As beautiful as some of the streets were, the extreme slopes were scary at times. I don't know how you navigate that as a driver. Thank God for Lyft and Uber. 

Muir Woods was breathtaking. 

SF has one of the oldest Chinatowns in the nation. Here's a look at the main street. 

These trees in Muir Woods were SO tall! There were signs that said you couldn't walk off the path and onto the extensive roots because it would impact the trees' ability to grow. 

The one thing that I didn't get to do was see the Golden Gate Bridge. Karl the Fog covered the bridge every time we were within earshot. Till next time, SF.  

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