May 22, 2017

Carnival Cruise // Ensenada & Catalina Island

A few months ago, my family and I went on our first cruise with Carnival. We left Long Beach on a cloudy morning and spent five extraordinary days afloat, mesmerized by the sights and sounds of the sea. 

I don't know if anyone else feels the same way, but I certainly felt sea sick aboard the cruise ship. And for that reason, I don't know if I'd want to take another cruise (okay, maybe if it's to Hawaii or somewhere as cool as that!). Let's just say that there's something for everyone aboard a cruise, and for me, that was the views. 

My tips for future travelers and adventurers? Pick a smaller cruise line. As in, fewer passengers on the boat. You'll get better service and more space to simply be. Some of my favorite times during the cruise were exploring Catalina Island and observing the birds that somehow flew along with the ship. Here's some of the highlights from our trip: