September 6, 2016

Danny + Kevin's Senior Portraits

Danny doesn't have a Facebook account. People sometimes ask him why he has opted to forego the social media path in a world bombarded by Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Buzzfeed, and plenty more sites that I probably haven't even heard of. 

So when Kevin asked Danny whether he was worried about staying in touch with friends, classmates, and colleagues after graduating from UCLA without the aid of Facebook, Danny's answer pretty much settled the matter, and surprised me with its honesty. 

His reply went something like, "If they want to reach me, they'll find a way. I'm not that worried." 

Suffice it to say, sometimes you share bonds that are stronger than anything you can ever declare on social media. The bond stands true even if you're not 'poking' or liking or commenting on each other's stuff all the time. 

That's Kevin and Danny. Congratulations to these two gentlemen and to all that lies ahead.