January 15, 2016

Favorite Instagrams of 2015

Instagram has taken the world by storm. A few years ago, if you mentioned the word to someone off the street, the chances of them knowing what you were talking about would be slim. But it's a different story today.

Most people use Instagram as a personal mini blog or journal to document their memories. And some use it strictly for work purposes, to promote their brand, or market their work. I do something of a mixture of those two. My account used to be more for recording memories and moments, but in the past year, especially, it's turned into more of a portfolio. 

Instagram has become a platform for people to curate grids of perfect square images that are wonderful to look at, but can be devoid of a personal touch. I miss the days when people actually took photos on their smart phones, imported them into the app, tried all the filters, and then decided which one worked the best. I can't speak for everyone, but I know that my early years on Instagram were like that. The photos turned out to be sort of randomly edited, but I'm proud that they were real

Things may have changed since 2012, but I'm glad we still use Instagram. I can easily look back on years of memories with just a simple scroll on my phone. Regardless how much using social media is changing the world - for better or for worse - I am thankful to have something like Instagram. It inspires me as an artist, makes me laugh when I see a hilarious vine, and stores my images for years to come. 

For today's post, I went back and chose some of my favorite grams from 2015, based on how the images made me feel, and how they looked aesthetically as a whole. There's a mixture of iPhone and dSLR photos, which kind of represents how I present myself in the social media world. I don't know what 2016 will hold, but nevertheless I'm excited for what new memories will make their way onto my Instagram feed. 

Without further ado, here are my favorite Instagrams of 2015: