July 27, 2015

San Diego Zoo

I used to be rather indifferent about zoos.

They were nice places with animals and such, but I didn't think there was a connection between the animal world and me. They ate raw meat and walked around on four legs. I was a spectator who paid money to go watch them. 

But as I got older, I began to see the the zoo as a fascinating place of discovery, interaction, and imagination coming to life.   

A while back, a friend introduced me to an animal test. Basically, the test asks you nine simple questions about yourself and then matches you up with which animal you would be if you were one. 

I was hooked immediately. After digging deep and thinking introspectively about myself, combined with extremely scientific calculations, I found out I was a bear. 

But regardless whether or not you have that bond with an animal, the zoo can still be a place of excitement and adventure.

Maybe all it takes is an appreciation for other living creatures. 

Maybe we just need to stop and pause. 

And put down the phone or game-boy or pager or iPad. 

And look up. 

And look around. 

And act like a gorilla.