May 11, 2015

Life in Pictures: Finals Week

Finals week at a quarter system university comes three times a year and I look forward to each with much enthusiasm and expectancy.

Haha, okay, that might be a biiiiiit of a stretch.

Finals week is not really a unicorns and rainbows time of the quarter. It's usually a mix of a whole lotta stress + wanting to get things over with + a wee bit of sadness that you'll never see this professor or this class or this material ever again (I know I don't speak for all, but try and stick with me).

For me, it was especially rough this past quarter as I was sick with an awful sinus infection. Due to the pain, fatigue, and all that lovely stuff that comes with sickness, I was confined to my room for most of the week (besides, of course, when I ventured out into the rest of civilization to take those exams).

So in the midst of mixing another batch of Emergen-C, blowing my nose for the umpteenth time, and trying to remember what a pseudoscientific theory was according to Lakatos (Philosophy of Science), I thought, okay, I'm going to make the best of this very not-so-good-situation. I'm going to do something other than pity myself about how sick I feel and how much I have to study. I'm going to whip out my camera and try to take photos documenting what my life is all about, because, maybe in the future I'll thank myself for this courageous act of artistry in the most desperate of times.

I think future me is pretty happy with the results and the memories captured. Maybe I should do this more often.

The things that I had grown accustomed to seeing every day suddenly became, dare I say it... artwork.

Happy midterms season, folks!