January 15, 2015

Je suis Charlie - Vigil @ UCLA

Upon joining the Daily Bruin photography staff at the beginning of the school year, I've had exposure to many more events that happen at UCLA. It's been a really cool journey thus far. I have been given a chance to document people and events that matter to a large population of students, faculty, and alumni, and I do not take this privilege lightly.

I'm thankful the opportunity to go and document events such as the Je suis Charlie vigil.

UCLA student speakers shared their connection to the events that occurred in Paris, France. Onlookers listened and shined the flashlights on their cell phones as a symbol of remembrance.

It was a night of thinking about how events that happen in a far away country to people we do not know personally can still impact us here in Westwood, LA.

For more information about Je suis Charlie, Wikipedia has a page for you.