August 6, 2014

San Diego 2014

I love the beach. It's a place that will always inspire me.

Something I've noticed after watching many older movies and seeing pictures from the past is that the beach always looks the same. There's nothing you can really do to change what is already so perfect. Buildings may get demolished and new ones get built, streets change as new stores are established and old ones get renovated, fashion changes dramatically from one decade to the next, and the words people use in daily conversation also change (such as yolo and tfti, haha). But the ocean remains strong and powerful, blue, majestic, and beautiful. Nature doesn't change like everything else does - which is why I enjoy being in the midst of it. It's my therapy, and it's free too.

Some iphone pictures I took:

Some dslr photos:

This post is kind of a combination of many places and events. This next photo was taken at a Bible conference center where youth camp was held. These are the goody bags I gave my 4 campers, filled with notebooks, pens, small snacks, and nail polish:

A shot of the window:

At the end of a week spent at youth camp, the counselors went out for Korean barbeque and boba. Gotta have some legit Californian boba before going back to the desert!

Oh how I miss you, California. Till next time we meet... in a few short weeks.