September 13, 2013

Camping Trip // Payson, AZ

Over Labor Day weekend my family and some friends headed up to beautiful, chilly Payson for a refreshing time in the mountains. This trip was the only family vacation we've had all summer, and the last one before I headed to college, so it was a special time of bonding and soaking in everything. We lounged around, sat on the hammock, took lots of pictures (that I'm still sorting through...), went to the lake, sat on some kayaks, sat around the fire, ate too many smores, hid in the tent when it started raining out of nowhere, hiked a bit, hung out by the scenic view, and best of all, had a blessed time together.

I think the pictures will explain all that much better.

The drive up:

Cooking the first meal (ignore the Cal Alumni part... my dad loves his polos - he just hasn't gotten his UCLA one yet)

My mom bought a hammock before we left, and it actually worked pretty nicely!

One of the coolest plants I've ever seen in Arizona! God is so creative:

This flower could be used for a wedding!

Did I mention it rained? Actually, it poured. Our first night spent in the tent was wet, cold, and well, pretty memorable. The second night I was thankful for a dry air mattress. =)

Reflection goodness on the car window:

My momma:

Looking at the breathtaking view with my brother, well more like posing in front of it =P


College packing? .... or camping, you say? Good thing we Hu's aren't too shabby at tetris! :)

Can't wait to head back and play in the forest again. But until then, looking at these photos will be good enough for me. :)